FLF’s leadership team is dedicated to the mission of FLF. Each member brings valuable skills and experience to the team to continue the purpose of FLF. Feel free to contact any member of our team if you have questions, interest in volunteering or utilizing FLF’s services.

Dr. Greg Morrow has participated in, and given leadership to ministry projects in Taiwan, Argentina, England, Puerto Rico, Burkina Faso, Mexico, El Salvador, and Ukraine. These experiences have been foundational to his interest in sustainable development within international religious communities. In May 2017, Greg completed his PhD in Rural Sociology with the University of Missouri.

Treva Swadley is a graduate of School of the Ozarks (now College of the Ozarks) with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. She worked at Apple Computer as a Network Engineer.
Treva has been active in her church through music, children and outreach, and in her association camp in program and financial leadership. She and her husband Gary have served on the board of School to the Nations, taking the gospel to unreached people groups, and participated a variety of mission trips, most recently to Ecuador. Treva also works as the bookkeeper/executive assistant at two local churches. Treva and Gary live in Springfield, Missouri.
Gary retired in 2016 as Senior Vice President of Hawthorn Bank. Gary also served as the former president of the Missouri Baptist Foundation with years of experience in the financial field. He is a CPA and has a MBA and undergraduate degrees from Missouri State University and currently works with other local non-profits such as Salvation Army and the Special Learning Center. He also serves on The Baptist Home Foundation. Gary and his wife Carol are active members their local Baptist Church.
Ken and his wife, Alice, live in Jefferson City, Mo, and attend First Baptist Church, Jefferson City, Mo (FBCJC). They have two grown sons, Christopher (and his wife, Emma) and Jonathan. Previously, Ken worked for the Missouri Baptist Convention and many years for Word & Way. Currently, Ken is employed with our local library and is a contract worker with FBCJC and other organizations.
Associate Executive Director, International Relations:
Chris Cook
Associate Executive Director, Field Services:
Heber Mena
Field Services Staff:
Baltic States:
John Claydon
John Jackson
Central/Latin America
Heber Mena
Chris Cook
Kurtis Estes (Golden Apple Institute)
Mateusz Wichary
Calvin Brown